Friday Five: Back To School Organization

With back to school on the horizon (for some) I wanted to share some of my favorite organization products this week. Each of these products will help you to stay better organized when it comes to all of the papers and crayons that are about to blow up all over your house! You know that our main goal is to make your life easier and each of these products will do just that. There is just something about the back to school pens and pencils that gets us excited. The only thing more exciting is having a pretty place for them to live when they get home. We hope you can find something that works for you and your family! Happy Friday friends.

Back To School Organization Essentials

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  1. Drawer Organizers

I have been talking about how wonderful and essential these are for years. Because they are absolutely essential! I love that this set comes with multiple sizes to fit the needs of every unique drawer. This will be great for organizing all those new pens and pencils!

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2.. Lazy Susan

These Lazy Susan’s are the bomb! I have them in my pantry, fridge, under my sinks, and in multiple closets. They are also awesome for organizing all the arts and crafts! Hence why they made this weeks post.

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3. Craft Caddy

Another great option for storing all of the essentials. I also think that these would be a great option if you are homeschooling and need everyone to have their own space with their own supplies. I love that it has a handle!

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4. Storage Stackers

These are one of those random finds that you didn’t really need, but then once you have them you can’t live without them! They are so awesome for on the go. If you have littles then you NEED these. I have a stash in my purse, my church bag, etc… I also love that they can stack. Which makes for easy storage at home.

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5. Magazine Holders

Wondering where you are going to store everybody’s homework? Right here! These are seriously awesome for paper storage. They are big enough to hold all the things, but not big enough for your hoarder to store all of the things that don’t need to be stored. Strap a label on these and boom. Everyone has their own “cubby”…They are also great for organizing books. There are a lot of color options too. I’m just always a sucker for white.

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6. Pencil Boxes

BONUS: Because 20/20 needs some good news, we decided to add one more organization favorite to the list this week! These pencil boxes are a lot like the crayon boxes, but for pencils, obviously. They also have the awesome stacking feature and are great for on the go! Plus, having your own pencil box for school is a MUST.


Friday Five: Week 3


Friday Five